Ahogy arról korábban beszámoltunk, egyre forróbb a helyzet Angliában.
Néhány napja egy ruandai migráns halálra késelt három kislányt Southportban. A brit hazafiak megelégelték a vérontást és szinte minden egyes nap tiltakoznak Anglia különböző városaiban.
Plüss macik, virágok és mécsesek. Így néz ki az az iskola, ahol a gyilkosság történt:
This is the scene on the street where 3 little girls were horrifically stabbed to death by Axel Muganwa Rudakubana.
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 3, 2024
Since then, the media and politicians have tried gaslighting the public over it.
Anyone angry over it have been labelled "far right thugs" and "EDL", which has… pic.twitter.com/uBo1dRMDry
Több városban utcára vonultak a muszlimok is, miután halották, hogy a britek mecseteket is megtámadtak.
Hull-ban a hazafiak egy olyan szállodát ostromoltak, ahol a kormány az adófizetők pénzén szállásolja el a migránsokat:
Riot gear against the public again in Hull as their #EnoughisEnough protest hits the royal hotel which is housing unvetted migrant men at the taxpayers expense. pic.twitter.com/ObOFZLMHM2
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 3, 2024
Leedsben két hazafira rontottak rá, akik angol zászlóval tiltakoztak:
Muslim Defence League attacking two men for wearing Union Flags in Leeds.
— Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 (@TPointUK) August 3, 2024
Credit: @HoodedClaw1974 pic.twitter.com/wVhRfqH05t
Liverpoolban egy iszlám sátort támadtak meg a britek:
In Liverpool an Islamic stall is attacked by rioters. pic.twitter.com/lby4AQgh1q
— Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 (@TPointUK) August 3, 2024
Természetesen a hatóságok a hazafiakat ütik-verik, nem a migránsoktól védik a népüket:
Riot police in Liverpool attack patriots protesting the state of the country.
— Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 (@TPointUK) August 3, 2024
There is no footage or reports of the police clamping down on the Muslim Defence League or any far-left groups. pic.twitter.com/7MPigwgT1R
A kormánytól sem lehet sok jót remélni, mivel migránspártiak a munkáspárti elit.
Több brit hazafit megszúrtak a muszlimok...
https://t.co/is8gWou3kr pic.twitter.com/tapwiHXmEu
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 3, 2024
Stoke-ban felfegyverzett muszlimok járőröztek és vadásztak tüntetőkre:
A mob of visibly heavily armed Muslims in Stoke roam the streets with police making no efforts to stop them.
— Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 (@TPointUK) August 3, 2024
This is exactly why patriots are protesting as we have all had enough.
End two-tier policing. pic.twitter.com/GdQmW2Gb2f
Nottinghamben is összeálltak a muszlim brigádok:
Groups of Muslims faced off with the British public in Nottingham too as they were out protesting following the murder of little girls in Southport.
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 3, 2024
All this as @Keir_Starmer falsely claimed all these people are "far right edl thugs" and the media carried the same lies. pic.twitter.com/bJaGkiNFka
Manchesterben balosok, liberálisok, antifák és muszlimok együtt a hazafiak ellen:
Leftists in Manchester unable to stand up to patriot protestors target the police instead.
— Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 (@TPointUK) August 3, 2024
Despite the police pushing a leftist agenda the far-left goons chant “GMP [Police] off our streets”.
The police are doing the bidding of people who hate them.
When will officers wake up? pic.twitter.com/ULOPMjVkga
Blackburni muszlim brigád köröz a városban:
Mobs of Muslims also roaming the streets of Blackburn searching for the "EDL" after @Keir_Starmer , the media and far left spread malicious lies that the concerned British people were "far right thugs" and edl, which doesn't exist and they knew that. pic.twitter.com/Iqkl3bdjh1
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 3, 2024
Zengett az "Allah Akbar"
Masked gangs of Muslims roam the streets of Blackburn screaming "allahu akbar" looking for the concerned British public who they've been told are "far right thugs" all week by @Keir_Starmer and the media.
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 3, 2024
Blood on the hands of the government and media for stoking this. pic.twitter.com/H5phBWfNqe
Több nagy városban is erődemonstrációt tartottak a bevándorlók:
Mobs of Muslims have been running around numerous towns all day attacking people protesting following the horrific murders of 3 children at a Taylor Swift dance class after being told by @Keir_Starmer and the media they're "far right edl thugs" and the police have done nothing. pic.twitter.com/U8Ni8QIybl
— Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 (@TRobinsonNewEra) August 3, 2024